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05.07.2024 22:47  |  2163  |  A+ | a-
IKOR d.o.o. has been awarded funding in the AIBC EUROCLUSTERS Open Call for Digitalisation Services and Product Development, which supports European companies (SMEs) in their digitalisation planning activities related to the activation of services and support for product development, to further support their dual transition (digital and green). It is targeted at European SMEs from the manufacturing, mobility, logistics and energy sectors working on AI&BC technologies and/or interested in adopting AI&BC solutions to become more digital, resilient and green.
Activities to be carry out:
    Introduction of MESTRIC system:
  • connectivity of all machines and production lines;
  • control of production in real time;
  • get information on the performance of each machine, quality of injection moulding, production plan, etc.;
  • AI will be used to create tolerance values for individual parameters;
  • IT solutions will provide insights into congestion, cycle data, ejection status, raw material use.
Provider: Infotrend d.o.o.
SME objectives and goals:
       Material and financial savings:
- 10% energy savings or approx. € 1.000/year;
- 12% saving (approx. € 12.500/year) on material rejection due to constant process conditions;
- 10% time saving on measurements and analysis of measurements;
- 10% reduction in maintenance costs due to optimisation of the working equipment;
- annual savings of 15% on waste collection and on the amount of waste generated;
- savings due to higher added value because of faster and more smooth cycle times: € 8.500/year;
- savings due to elimination of the cost of complaints approx. € 5.000/year.
Duration: 15/3/2024 – 30/9/2024
Project funded under Grant Agreement no. 101074645 – SMP-COSME-2021-CLUSTER Call for proposals.


Naložbo je podprl Javni Sklad Republike Slovenije za podjetništvo. Naložbo VAVČER ZA DIGITALNI MARKETING (izdelavo spletne strani) sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj.